
Citizenship | Malta

About malta

Malta is a small European island nation located in the central Mediterranean between southern Italy and the North African coast. It gained its sovereignty and independence from the United Kingdom in 1964 and is presently part of the European Union. Its economic activity is primarily based on trade, manufacturing, and tourism. Its official language is both Maltese and English and its population stands at approximately 520,000.

Country Information

  • Location: Europe

  • Language: Maltese and English

  • Population: 520,000

  • Economy: Trade, Manufacturing, and Tourism

  • Currency: Euro

Malta Citizenship by investment

The Maltese Citizenship by Investment program was established in 2020, making it one of the most recent citizenship by investment programs and the only one of its kind in the European Union. The legal framework of the program falls under the Maltese Citizenship Act [legal notice 437 of 2020]. It allows individuals to legally seek a citizenship through financial contribution. Malta allows for dual nationality, and it is one of the few fast tracked citizenship routes in the world, issuing direct citizenship in approximately 14 months .

Aryzen Global is proud to offer the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program, one of the most prestigious and sought-after programs in the world. This program is designed for individuals and families looking to secure a second citizenship in a strategically located, economically robust, and culturally rich EU member state. Malta’s Citizenship by Investment Program stands out for its stringent due diligence, ensuring that it remains one of the most reputable options for global investors.

Why Choose Malta?

Strategic Location: Malta's prime location in the Mediterranean makes it an ideal hub for business and travel between Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.

EU Membership: As a member of the European Union, Maltese citizens enjoy visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to over 180 countries, including the Schengen Zone, the United States, and Canada.

Robust Economy: Malta boasts a stable and growing economy, supported by key industries such as finance, gaming, tourism, and technology.

High Quality of Life: Malta offers an exceptional quality of life with its excellent healthcare system, high-standard education, and a safe and welcoming environment.

Aryzen Global's Role

At Aryzen Global, we provide end-to-end support throughout the entire process of the Malta Citizenship by Investment Program. Our services include:

  • Initial Consultation: We conduct a thorough assessment of your needs and eligibility, ensuring that the Malta program is the best fit for your circumstances.

  • Due Diligence: We guide you through the rigorous due diligence process, ensuring compliance with all regulatory requirements.

  • Application Preparation: Our experts handle all aspects of the application, from documentation to submission, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.

  • Investment Guidance: We provide strategic advice on real estate and financial investments, helping you make informed decisions that align with your goals.

  • Post-Approval Support: Once your citizenship is granted, we offer ongoing support, including assistance with relocation, integration, and investment management.

malta citizenship program cost

Investment OPTIONS: (A) Government Donation + Property Rental or (B) government donation + Property Purchase

(A) Government Donation + Property Rental Option

  • Government Donation: EUR 750,000 + Property Rental: EUR 16,000 per year (for 5 year period) + Philanthropic Donation: EUR 10,000

    • EUR 50,000 applies for each additional dependent

(B) government donation + Property Purchase Option

  • Government Donation: EUR 750,000 + Property Purchase: EUR 700,000 + Philanthropic Donation: EUR 10,000

    • EUR 50,000 applies for each additional dependent

Additional Payable Fees

  • In addition to the chosen investment, applicants must pay the following fees: Due Diligence Fees, Government Residence Fees, Citizenship Certificate Fees, Passport Fees, Government Forms Fees, Application Fees, Legal Fees, Professional Fees

malta Personal Quote Request

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Eligible Dependents

  • Main applicant’s spouse

  • Unmarried children under the age of 27

  • Main applicant/spouse parents above 55

citizenship Benefits

  • Direct EU Citizenship

  • Fastest Direct EU Citizenship program globally

  • Visa free mobility

  • Financial planning and no global taxation

  • Family security in global instability

  • Citizenship granted to future generations

  • Ability to live, work, and study in the EU

Passport Ranking

  • Malta passport ranks 5th globally

  • Visa free access to 190 countries

  • Visa free to UK, EU, US, Canada, Japan, and others

  • Visa free to Australia, Singapore, UAE, and others

    * View full list of visa free countries here

Process & Time to Citizenship

  1. Eligibility Criteria:

    • Applicants should have a clean criminal record and be in good health

    • Proof of a qualifying investment and a valid residence in Malta are required (through property rental or purchase purchase)

  2. Residence Requirement

    • Applicants are required to establish a genuine link with Malta, including residence for a specific period before naturalization. This involves renting or purchasing property in Malta along with a 3 month physical residency period

  3. Contribution and Investment:

    • Applicants must make a non-refundable contribution to the National Development and Social Fund (NDSF) along with a property rental or purchase

  4. Due Diligence:

    • A thorough due diligence process is conducted to ensure that applicants meet the necessary criteria and do not pose a security or reputational risk to Malta; Malta has one of the most thorough Due Diligence processes out of all citizenship by investment programs

  5. Application Submission:

    • Applicants submit their applications to the relevant authorities along with all required documentation, including proof of funds, investment details, and other supporting documents

  6. Processing Time:

    • The application undergoes a comprehensive review, which may take several months to residency and about twelve months to citizenship. The processing time can vary based on individual circumstances

  7. Approval and Naturalization:

    • If the application is successful, the applicant and their family members may receive approval for Maltese citizenship

  8. Oath of Allegiance:

    • Successful applicants are required to take an oath of allegiance, finalizing their Maltese citizenship.

contact aryzen TODAY

Aryzen Global assists clients internationally in obtaining residence, citizenship and/or real estate under the respective programs. Contact us to arrange a private consultation with one of our expert advisors.