
Residence | Greece

About greece

Greece is an EU member state located at the crossroads of Asia, Europe, and Africa. Its strategic location, serene coastal areas, warm Mediterranean climate, and strong industrial sector has made Greece a desirable location for many wealthy individuals searching for a second home. Its desirability is bolstered by its rich historical/cultural roots, renowned gastronomy, educational opportunities, vast healthcare options, and reassured levels of safety and security. Its official language is Greek and its population stands at approximately 10.5 million.

Country Information

  • Location: Europe

  • Language: Greek

  • Population: 10.5 million

  • Economy: Service and Industry

  • Currency: Euro

Greece residence by investment

The Greece Golden Visa program was established in 2013, allowing non - EU nationals to legally seek a residence through financial contribution, be it through real estate investment, capital contribution, shares/bonds, or capital transfer. The applicant for residency may include his immediate family (spouse, children under the age of 21, and his/her parents). Residency permits are renewed every five years, under the condition that the chosen investment is still in place. An applicant and his family are eligible for Greek citizenship after a continuous residency of seven years.

Investment Requirements

Options: Real Estate Investment, Capital Contribution, Shares/Bonds, or Capital Transfer

  • Option 1: Real Estate Investment option starts at Euro 250,000

  • Option 2: Capital Contribution option starts at Euro 400,000 (Capital Contribution entails a contribution to an established company in Greece)

  • Option 3: Shares/Bonds option starts at Euro 400,000 (Shares/Bonds entails an investment in government or corporate bonds, a traded Greek company, or a mutual fund)

  • Option 4: Capital Transfer option starts at Euro 400,000 (Capital Transfer entails a term deposit to a domestic credit institution)

  • All options have additional government and legal fees; real estate investment option has additional property tax fees

Process & time to residence

  • Step 1: Choose and make investment

  • Step 2: Submit required documents with residency application

  • Step 3: Verification and issuance of residency permit

    *Issuance of residence is approximately 1 - 2 months after submission of application

Eligible Dependents

  • Main applicant’s spouse

  • Children under the age of 21

  • Main applicant/spouse parents

Residence Benefits

  • Visa free mobility within Europe’s Schengen area

  • Financial planning, access to EU banking, and no global taxation

  • Acquisition of a property asset or investment in an EU country

  • No physical residency requirements to maintain residency

  • Access to both educational opportunities and healthcare

  • Ability to live in Greece

  • Eligibility for citizenship after seven years of physical residence

  • Family security in global instability

Greece, renowned for its rich history, stunning landscapes, and vibrant culture, is now also a gateway to new horizons through its Residence by Investment Program. Aryzen Global is your trusted partner in navigating this exceptional opportunity, providing expert guidance and tailored solutions to help you secure residency in one of Europe’s most enchanting destinations.

The Greece Residence by Investment Program

Greece’s Residence by Investment Program, often referred to as the Golden Visa Program, offers a unique pathway to residency for non-EU investors. This program allows you and your family to obtain a residence permit by making a qualifying investment in Greece, thereby unlocking access to not only Greece but also to the broader Schengen Area.

Why Choose Aryzen Global for Your Greece Investment?

  • Expertise: Our team has in-depth knowledge of the Greece Residence by Investment Program and the Greek legal system, ensuring you receive accurate and reliable advice.

  • Personalized Service: We provide tailored solutions that align with your investment goals and personal needs.

  • Streamlined Process: We manage the complexities of the application process, minimizing stress and ensuring efficiency.

  • Dedicated Support: Our commitment to your success is reflected in our proactive approach and ongoing support throughout your residency journey.

Enquire Today

Aryzen Global assists clients internationally in obtaining residence, citizenship and/or real estate under the respective programs. FIll the form below or contact us directly to arrange a private consultation with one of our expert advisors.

Key Benefits of the Greece Residence by Investment Program:

  1. EU Residency: Gain residency in Greece with the added benefit of traveling freely across the Schengen Zone.

  2. Attractive Investment Options: Choose from various investment avenues, including real estate, financial assets, or strategic investments.

  3. Quality of Life: Enjoy Greece’s exceptional quality of life, with its beautiful landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and warm climate.

  4. Family Inclusion: The program allows for the inclusion of family members, including spouse and children, making it a family-friendly option.

  5. Pathway to Citizenship: While the initial residence permit is renewable, it also provides a pathway to Greek citizenship after seven years of residency, subject to meeting specific requirements.

direct contact

  • 1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC, 20006, USA

    Phone: +1 202 709 9255

    WhatsApp: +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM

  • 285 Fulton St, Suite 8500, 85th Floor, New York, 10006, USA

    Phone: +1 949 293 0399

    WhatsApp +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM

  • Level 21, Al Habtoor Business Tower, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE

    Phone: +971 44532735

    WhatsApp: +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM