
Residence | Hungary

About Hungary

Hungary is an EU member state located in Central Europe. It shares its borders along seven neighboring countries: Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria. Its desirability amongst residence investors is bolstered by its high-income economy, universal heath care system, and tuition free secondary education. It has a longstanding history of contributions in the fields of art, literature, sports, science, and technology. Its official language is Hungarian and its population stands at approximately 9.7 million.

Country Information

  • Location: Central Europe

  • Language: Hungarian

  • Population: 9.7 million

  • Economy: Tech, Transport, & Energy

  • Currency: Forint

Hungary residence by investment

The Hungarian residence by investment program was established in 2017, allowing non - EU nationals to legally attain a residence visa though an investment in real estate coupled with a government donation. The applicant for residency may include his immediate family (spouse, dependent children under the age of 27, and parents below the age of 65). Residency permits are renewed every five years for the main applicant and every three years for all dependents, under the condition that the chosen investment is still in place. An applicant and his family are eligible for Permanent Residence after five years of continues physical residence. Applicants are then eligible for citizenship after eight years of Permanent Residence status.

Investment Requirements

Options: Real Estate Fund Investment or Real Estate Property Investment + Government Donation

  • Option 1: Real Estate Fund Investment starts at EUR 250,000 + EUR 70,000 Government Donation

  • Option 2: Real Estate Property Investment starts at EUR 500,000 + EUR 70,000 Government Donation

  • (EUR 70,000 Government Donation is inclusive of main applicant, spouse, and children under the age of 18; an additional EUR 10,000 is required for each parent or child above the age of 18)

  • Please note that there are additional government and legal fees; real estate investment has additional property tax/closing costs

Process & time to residence

  • Step 1: Gather required documents for residency submission & due diligence process

  • Step 2: Once residency application is approved, applicant has 90 days to make the chosen investment

  • Step 3: Once investment is made and proof of investment is submitted to government body, Biometrics are scheduled at nearest Hungarian Embassy

  • Step 4: Verification and issuance of residency permit

    *Issuance of residence is approximately 1 -2 months after submission of application in Hungarian Embassy

Eligible Dependents

  • Main applicant’s spouse

  • Children up to the age of 27 (children above 18 must must be unmarried and enrolled in a full time educational institution)

  • Main applicant/spouse parents

Residence Benefits

  • Visa free mobility within Europe’s Schengen area

  • Financial planning, access to EU banking, and no global taxation

  • Acquisition of a property asset in an EU country

  • No physical residency requirements to maintain residency

  • Access to both educational opportunities and healthcare

  • Residency Permanent issued for 10 years (may be renewed after expiry)

  • Eligibility for Permanent Residence after five years of physical residence

  • Eligibility for citizenship after eight years of permanent residence

  • Family security in global instability

In the quest for global mobility and investment opportunities, Hungary's Residence by Investment Program stands out as a premier choice for those seeking a strategic foothold in Europe. Aryzen Global, a leader in international advisory services, offers expert guidance on navigating this exceptional program, helping clients unlock the benefits of Hungarian residency through strategic investment.

Hungary Residence by Investment Program: An Overview

Hungary’s Residence by Investment Program is designed to attract high-net-worth individuals and their families by offering a pathway to Hungarian residency through financial investment. This program is an attractive option for investors seeking not only to enhance their global mobility but also to benefit from Hungary's favorable economic conditions and vibrant lifestyle.

Why Choose Aryzen Global?

  • Expertise: Our team has extensive experience with the Hungary Residence by Investment Program and other global residency options.

  • Tailored Solutions: We customize our approach to fit your specific needs and objectives, ensuring optimal outcomes.

  • Comprehensive Support: We guide you through every step of the process, providing clear and reliable assistance.

  • Commitment to Excellence: Our focus is on delivering the highest standard of service and achieving the best possible results for our clients.

Enquire Today

Aryzen Global assists clients internationally in obtaining residence, citizenship and/or real estate under the respective programs. FIll the form below or contact us directly to arrange a private consultation with one of our expert advisors.

Key Features of the Hungary Residence by Investment Program

  1. Investment Requirements: To qualify for Hungarian residency, applicants are required to make a substantial investment in Hungary. The investment typically involves purchasing government bonds or making a significant contribution to a Hungarian business or real estate project. This financial commitment helps stimulate the local economy and fosters growth in various sectors.

  2. Residency Benefits: Successful applicants and their families gain residency rights in Hungary, a member of the European Union. This status provides the freedom to live, work, and study in Hungary, and travel throughout the Schengen Area without the need for additional visas. Residency in Hungary also opens up numerous opportunities for business and investment in one of Central Europe’s most dynamic economies.

  3. Path to Citizenship: While the primary focus of the program is on obtaining residency, it can also pave the way for future citizenship. After a certain period of residency, applicants may be eligible to apply for Hungarian citizenship, subject to meeting specific requirements, including language proficiency and integration into Hungarian society.

  4. Family Inclusion: The program extends residency benefits to immediate family members, including spouses and dependent children. This allows families to enjoy the advantages of Hungarian residency together, making it an ideal choice for those seeking a new life in Europe.

direct contact

  • 1717 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Suite 1025, Washington DC, 20006, USA

    Phone: +1 202 709 9255

    WhatsApp: +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM

  • 285 Fulton St, Suite 8500, 85th Floor, New York, 10006, USA

    Phone: +1 949 293 0399

    WhatsApp +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 9 AM - 5 PM

  • Level 21, Al Habtoor Business Tower, Dubai Marina, Dubai, UAE

    Phone: +971 44532735

    WhatsApp: +1 202 709 9255

    Office Hours: 8:30 AM - 5:30 PM